Dream your dream... we’ll make it real


When you make a booking with Wimmera Weddings, we ensure that all the components including legal Forms and the actual ceremony complies with The Marriage Act 1961.

Wimmera Weddings provides all legal forms that you will need when you are ready to register your intended date of marriage.

The first requirement before you may marry is for the completion of the “Notice of Intended Marriage” (NOIM).
A Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) must be completed and lodged with me one month and one day prior to the ceremony. (But not more than 18 months prior to marriage)

Specific documents are required for proof of identity when signing the NOIM. 

Your celebrant must sight your original birth certificates and photo identification ie. Drivers Licence or Passport. You will also need details of both your parent’s full names (mother’s maiden name) If previously married, confirmation of the ending of that marriage - Certificate of Divorce or Death Certificate of spouse.  

NOTE: If a party to a marriage was born overseas and does not have, nor is able to obtain, a Birth Certificate, they will need a passport issued by the Government of the Country in which they were born. If that is not possible, they will need a statutory declaration meeting the requirements of Section 42 of the Marriage Act 1961.
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